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Julia’s key skill-set is in enabling people to perform at their best in all aspects of their lives. Having
begun her career in education, she has spent over thirty years coaching and mentoring in the field of
professional development, working with individuals and organisations in education and industry. Her
research in this field has continued throughout her career. She followed a post-graduate Diploma in
Psychology and was funded to pursue a PhD in the 1990’s in the fledgling field of coaching and
mentoring. In recent years, she has undertaken a range of additional courses, including the
University of Pennsylvania’s programme in Positive Psychology and Resilience. Having trained as a
Graydin Associate to further her experience in values-based coaching, she then completed a Masters
module in executive and professional coaching. Alongside the acquisition of relevant qualifications,
Julia has continued to deliver individual coaching, group coaching and training workshops both in
coaching and culture change, as well as developing her own private practice.
Practice and approach
2007-2023 Executive coach, course leader working for various commercial clients including Dentsu,
The Customer Framework, QCi, WPP, and coaching partners such as People and Potential Ltd.
2022-2023 Executive coach/ Lecturer on BSc Therapeutic Counselling, University of Surrey
2018-2022 Executive coach/ Lecturer in Teacher Education, University of Surrey
2020-2021 Head of Learning and Development – Taizen
2015 -2017 Coaching associate with Graydin Associates, working with a range of educational
organisations establishing coaching cultures
2003 -2014 Coaching/ tutoring on a range of Open University programmes, including:
- Starting with Psychology
- Understanding Society
- Understanding Children
Consultant/ adviser work on Professional Development with a range of organisations,
including Wellington College and The Customer Framework
1990-1996 Senior lecturer/ Head of Teacher Education, Kingston College (validated by University of
1987-1990 Head of Communication section, City College, St Albans
Qualifications and experience

PhD: Career Dynamics – Tailoring Individual and Organisational Needs: Professional
Development and Career Development in Further Education. The University of
Huddersfield, 1999.
ï‚· MA: Language and Literature in Education. The Institute of Education, University of
London, 1987.
ï‚· Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (Secondary/FE). The University of
Manchester, 1982.
ï‚· BA (Hons) English; Upper Second. The University of Southampton, 1981.
Additional qualifications/ accreditations
ï‚· Cognitive Psychology (D309) Third level; full credit. Open University, 1989.
ï‚· Post-graduate diploma in Psychology; two modules; Cognitive Neuropsychology
and Language Acquisition. Royal Holloway College, The University of London, 1992.
ï‚· Myers-Briggs qualified. Oxford Psychology Press, 1996.
ï‚· Developing Resilience, University of Pennsylvania, 2010.
ï‚· Teaching Well-being, Wellington College, 2013.
ï‚· Coaching fundamentals to advanced, Graydin Associates, 2014.
ï‚· Advanced Certificate in Executive Coaching, University of West England.2021
ï‚· ILM 7 Executive Coaching. 2021
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